Hello! I go by various things online, such as:
Whitehatchicken on Itch.io (https://whitehatchicken.itch.io)
Itsrainingchickens on Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/itsrainingchickens/)
Chicken on Soundcloud [I just make dumb playlistst there, and only post a few things :/] (https://soundcloud.com/chicken-465192861)
Beatzchicken on Bandlab [all my old dumb music-related projects] (https://www.bandlab.com/beatchickennta)
chickenmemememememe on Imgflip (https://imgflip.com/user/chickenmemememememe)
So.. yeah. I just make a bunch of dumb stuff on the interwebs that you can choose to like or to dislike. either is completely fine with me, just dont actively hate on me.